When and how can I change my Status of Residence in Japan?
A foreigner residing in Japan who wishes to cease the activities in which he/she is currently engaged and to engage exclusively in activities applicable to Status of Residence other than that which he/she presently holds must apply and receive permission for a change of Status of Residence.
For example, a foreign national dispatched from a parent company to a subsidiary in Japan and currently residing in Japan on an “Intra-company Transferee” Status of Residence who wishes to resign from the said company and to invest in and operate his own company needs to apply and receive permission for a change to “Business Manager”.
However, applications for permission to change in Status of Residence are not automatically approved, and permission will not be granted if the new activities do not correspond to the requirements and criteria of the Status of Residence sought. A foreign national residing in Japan on a temporary visitor status will not be permitted to change his/her Status of Residence unless the application is made based on special and unavoidable circumstance. If a foreign national has applied for a change in Status of Residence and no decision has been made on the application by the expiration date of the period of stay granted in respect of the applicant’s Status of Residence, the applicant, as a general rule, may remain in Japan under the same Status of Residence until the date on which a decision is made on the application or until two months have elapsed from the original expiration date, whichever is the shorter period.