What are the grounds for landing denial and who are denied?

Grounds for denial of landing are defined as the types of persons who are likely to cause harm to public health, public order, or public safety in Japan:

(1) Those who are denied for health and sanitary issues
(2) Those who are denied for their antisocial nature
(3) Those who are denied because they have been deported from Japan in the past
(4) Those who are denied because they have a threat to harm the interests or public security of Japan
(5) Those who are denied on the basis of reciprocity

You will not be denied landing on your next visit to Japan on the direct grounds that you have received a deportation order in the past. However, the fact that you have received the deportation order means that you were not found to be in compliance with the landing requirements, so you will need to sufficiently prove that you are in compliance with those landing requirements the next time you come to Japan.