Regarding denial of landing Japan soil as of May 19 2021
Regarding COVID-19, so far, foreign nationals who have stayed in any of the 152 countries/regions within 14 days prior to the application for landing have been denied to enter Japan, but from May 21, 2021, for time being, 7 new countries/regions (Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Saint Lucia, Thailand, East Timor and Mongolia) will be added to the countries/regions subject to denial of permission to enter Japan and unless there are special exceptional circumstances, the foreign nationals will be subject to denial of landing.
On May 19, 2021, the Government of Japan announced that foreign nationals entering Japan with re-entry permit (including a special re-entry permit) will be subject to denial of landing if the foreign nationals hold the records for staying in Sri Lanka within 14 days before the day of application for landing. More: