Paid leaves rule
Employers must grant 10 days’ paid leave to employees that worked for six consecutive months from the time of hiring and who worked on not less than 80 per cent of all schedule work days. This paid leave may be taken consecutively or separately. Where an employee’s application to take paid leave will hinder the normal business operations, the employer may require the employee to take such paid leave at a different time. The right to annual paid leave expires after two years. In other words, annual paid leave left over from one year may be carried over and taken the next year only. Employees that have been continuously employed at the same company for not less than seven years and six months can take a maximum of 40 days’ paid leave in any one year, including days that became available within that year and those carried over from the previous year. Employers are not required to grant paid leave days in addition to those described above to cover days on which employees did not work as a result of any non-work-related illness or injury. It should also be noted that most Japanese companies grant a few additional paid leave to employees for marriage, death of close relatives, and childbirth by the employee’s spouse, etc.. In addition, employers must have all regular employees undergo a health check-up by a doctor once per year (or at least once every six months in the case of employees engaged in specific kinds of work which may damage the employees’ health including late night work and work involving X-rays).